Saturday, July 23, 2011

Staying Cool in the Dog Days of Summer

The past few days have been extremely uncomfortable for me. I live in an older home with no central air, only window units. Outside the oppressive heat bears down like a brick wall. Even though I grew up in the south, heat has never been my friend. I don't care what anyone says, I'd take snow over heat any day of the week. As I try to stay still here in the coolness of my basement, I thought I’d share some of my tips on beating the heat.

Chill the Pulse Points
Remember when you were a kid and didn't feel well, mom would place a compress on your forehead... well same concept.
Chill your pulse points by running cold water over your wrist for a minute or so each hour. Splashing water on your temples or face can produce a similar effect. And be sure to put some of that tap water into a glass and drink up.
Go Tropical
Take the lead from those who live in tropical climates, wear lightweight cotton and linens. The guayabera, or the Mexican wedding skirt, is constructed to keep you cool naturally. Same with a traditional Filipino barong, these keep moisture from the skin and are worn untucked to promote air circulation. 
Don't eat: Graze
Ever notice how you feel hot after a big meal? It's not just because the food was served warm.
Big, protein-laden meals force your body to stoke its metabolic fires. The solution is to break up your eating into smaller, more frequent meals. You'll feel cooler — and it's better for you, anyway.
Eat to sweat
Latin America, India, Thailand — some of the world's hottest places. And they happen to serve some of the world's hottest foods.
Scientists have argued for years over why this is the case, but the most likely reason is that spicy foods make you sweat without actually raising body temperature. It’s the capsaicin, a chemical found in things like hot peppers. Once your skin is damp, you'll feel cooled by its evaporation.
Stay cool under the covers
A lot of people find it difficult to sleep in hot weather.
Want to cool the bed down? Fill a standard hot water bottle with ice water. Use it to cool your ankles and the back of your knees — it works.
How are you keeping cool today?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, its really hot and we need to drink a lot of water. We create more problems with all the usage of air conditioners... we are on a cycle that we need to figure out how to get off of.


About Me

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Zen seeker, graphic designer, massage therapist, humanitarian and lover of all things beautiful