Sunday, November 20, 2011

Maybe you're heard a little something about this thing called Facebook? Or Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+? Social media is everywhere, and you can benefit from it, whether you have a business presence on social media or not. But first you will need a website. There are plenty of free templets out there. Wordpress is probably one of the best. After your site is up and running, then it's time to get people talking about it and driving traffic to it.
Just the Click of a Share Button
Social media "share" buttons provide an easy opportunity for your website visitors to share your site with their contacts. When a visitor selects, for example, the Facebook "Like" button, a link to your website appears on their Facebook page, and most of their  friends will see it. Viewed as an endorsement, this virtual word-of-mouth referral can be a powerful tool for targeted leads.
Even if you are hesitant about setting up a social media business presence because you are not committed to the required maintenance, you can still take advantage of the "virtualness" through share buttons.

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Zen seeker, graphic designer, massage therapist, humanitarian and lover of all things beautiful