Friday, November 29, 2013

It's the Holidays...again.

Pitfall: Financial concerns often become more evident during this time of the year as you try to balance travel, gifts and entertaining on top of what may be an already stretched budget.
Stress-less solution: Make sure to set a budget for your holiday shopping and stay within it! It can be very inviting to buy that one extra present or take that holiday you've always wanted, but make sure that you can afford it both in the short- and long-term. Planning is key to making sure that your holiday dollars stretch far enough, without piling up big debts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Turkey Day Delight

That big Thanksgiving dinner might make you want to head for the coach, but research shows it probably makes you happy, too. Tryptophan—an amino acid found in turkey—is a natural serotonin booster and has been found to reduce anxiety, improve mood, even relieve depression. Want more ways to make your Thanksgiving even better? Going for a walk and volunteering are also proven mood enhancers.

About Me

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Zen seeker, graphic designer, massage therapist, humanitarian and lover of all things beautiful